Professor Seán McConville
Department of Law, Queen Mary University of London
Throughout his career Seán McConville has published widely on law, politics, imprisonment and penal affairs. He has taught, researched and advised legislatures, governments and consultative bodies on both sides of the Atlantic. During a ten-year residence in the United States he participated in high-profile prison litigation in several jurisdictions across the country. These cases were mainly based on civil rights as defined by US and various State constitutions. His most recent book is Irish Political Prisoners 1960 – 2000: Braiding Rage and Sorrow, (Routledge, 2021). This is the final part of a trilogy and concludes a quarter of a century of research and writing on this topic. Seán holds the PhD and the LLD from the University of Cambridge and is a Professor of Law and Public Policy in the School of Law at Queen Mary University of London.

Latest publication: Irish Political Prisoners 1960-2000: Braiding Rage and Sorrow
Based on extensive archival research and hundreds of interviews, Irish Political Prisoners 1960-2000: Braiding Rage and Sorrow reveals that the prisoners’ involvement and consent to the Good Friday Agreement was critical to ending the decades-long conflict. The book is published by Routledge.